Committee Members


Alex Mathis - Chairperson: An active member of a bona fide taxpayers' organization

Mike Enger- Vice Chairperson: A parent of a student enrolled in the District's schools and active in a parent-teacher organization

Dr. Kameron Poole - Secretary: A parent of a student enrolled in the District's schools and active in a parent-teacher organization

Jaime Niswander - Active member of the business community

Dr. Micah Dickey - A parent of a student enrolled in the District's schools

Barbara Wagner - An active participant in a senior citizens' organization and a retired School District Superintendent

Rocio Bucio - A parent of a student enrolled in the District's schools and active in a parent-teacher organization


Duties of the Committee will include:

  • Ensure Bond funds are spent only on projects listed in the Bond Project List and no funds are used for salaries or general operating expenses.
  • Monitor progress of Bond projects.
  • Receive and review copies of the annual performance and financial audits of Bond projects as required by California State law (Proposition 39).
  • Provide information to the public on the progress of Bond projects and expenditures of Bond funds.


The Committee must consist of at least seven (7) members, 5 of whom must meet the following criteria:

  • 1 member must be an active member of the business community
  • 1 member must be active in a senior citizens' organization
  • 1 member shall be active in a bona fide taxpayers' organization
  • 1 member shall be the parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the District's schools
  • 1 member shall be the parent or guardian of a student enrolled in the District's schools and active in a parent-teacher organization

No employee or officer of the District may serve on the Committee, nor may any vendor, contractor or consultant of the District serve on the Committee. (Education Code Section 15282)

Bond Committee Agenda May 24, 2021

By cgodoy | May 21, 2021

Bond Committee Agenda June 29, 2020

By Erica Magdaleno | June 25, 2020

Download Bond Committee Agenda


By cgodoy | February 11, 2019

NOTICE is hereby given that the Mesa Union School District has established a Citizens’ Oversight Committee to oversee expenditures of Measure O bond funds, which was the bond measure approved by District voters on November 6, 2018.  The District is presently Read More …