Develop competent readers, writers, and mathematicians,
Cultivate scientists, explorers, innovators and communicators of learning,
Foster compassion and empathy for others.
A parent or legal guardian of a student residing outside of the Mesa Union School District boundary may request a transfer for that student to this district from another by obtaining an Approved Interdistrict Transfer Request form from their resident school district office. Please be sure to hold your student's enrollment space at your resident school district until you receive an official transfer decision notification from our Student Services department.
Please go to your resident school district office and obtain an inter district transfer approval to Mesa Union School District. Please provide the documents listed below to
- Approved District Transfer Form to Mesa Union School District
- Transcripts/Grades
- Discipline Records from previous school
- Attendance Records from previous school
If approval is granted you will be notified by the school office to begin the Mesa Union School District enrollment process. Information regarding this process can be found on the Enrollment page of our district website.
Mesa Union School District residents who would like to use the inter-district permit process to transfer out of Mesa Union School District into another school district can obtain the permit anytime throughtout the school year from the District Office.
- Mesa Union School District begins accepting interdistrict transfer requests for the next school year on February 1st.
- For current school year requests, parents will receive a transfer decision notification within 30 calendar days from the date of receipt of the request.
- For future school year requests, parents will receive a transfer decision notification as soon as possible, but no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought.
- For new interdistrict transfer applications, parents must complete the enrollment process within 10 business days of receiving an interdistrict transfer approval notification.
- Failure of the parent to meet any timelines established by the district shall be deemed abandonment of the request.
Mesa Union School District maintains an annual interdistrict transfer waiting list for students who where not accepted during thee school year. Parents of students on the waiting list must renew their interdistrict permit annually and submit it to the District.
At times school districts deny a request to transfer to another district. Parents have the right to appeal this denial. For information regarding appealing a denied interdistrict transfer please follow the instructions on the denial letter from your district and appeal first to your resident school district office. As a second step, if needed, you can contact your resident county office of education. You have the right to appeal a school district's final decision to the county board of education within 30 days of the date of the final denial of transfer. Here is the link to VCOE to appeal https://www.vcoe.org/About/Board-of-Education/Interdistrict-Appeals