Educational Services

Mesa Union Educational Services is passionate about student learning!   Our team is deeply committed to providing every child a rigorous and rewarding academic environment that embodies 21st century learning.   As part of Educational Services’ commitment to excellence, the staff works closely to ensure the highest quality of curriculum, instructional strategies, and materials are available to all students.  Our academic efforts extend to providing student services, special education, technology innovation, state and local assessment development and administration, extracurricular and enrichment activities, as well as early childhood and after-school programming. To achieve department goals, our team models leadership that embodies collaboration, creativity, communication, critical thinking and compassion for others through the delivery of  diverse and high-quality products and professional development. At the heart of the district, Educational Services connects stakeholders to current educational trends, provides staff access to cutting edge educational tools, and optimizes time for teachers to collaborate and share expertise.

Partnerships with families, institutions of learning, community and business leaders propel Mesa Union’s work to new heights and empower its students as they strive to develop multi-disciplinary knowledge sets and inquiry practices in pursuit of mastery of state standards and in support of their interests, passions, and potential career paths.

If you are interested in partnering with Mesa Union School District, please contact Raul Ramirez at . We welcome your thoughts about the work of our department or would be glad to respond to any questions about Mesa Union’s educational programs. Please contact Brianna Torres, executive assistant, at