I would like to nominate Mr. Steven Murata for the Mesa Moments Award. Mr. Murata is a lemon and avocado farmer here in Somis and a neighbor of Mesa. His children actually attended Mesa Union School. Mr. Murata is keenly interested in the students of Mesa. He has been very supportive in providing various hands on experiences for our students. Not too long ago, there was a new water well being constructed on his farm that involved a huge drilling rig that worked several days 24/7. While this drilling was taking place, Mr. Murata welcomed our 6th grade agriculture class to visit the well drill site. During this visit the students we able to ask the hydro-engineer and geologist questions As you can imagine, that was a very exciting time for our students. Within the past couple of months, Mr. Murata generously donated the weather station, he also installed in out in our Mesa Farm area. The Mesa Weather Station is now feeding weather information to the weather underground website conditions for locations worldwide. Mesa Union school is now on the weather map! These are just two examples of Mr. Murata’s generosity and commitment to providing opportunities for hands on learning for our students. We are so thankful and blessed to have Mr. Murate as a kind neighbor, interested in the learning experiences for our students. I am thrilled to nominate Mr. Murata for the Mesa Moments award.