Select the policy, regulation or exhibit you wish to review by clicking on its policy number.
Policy Number | BP/AR/E | Policy Title | Revision Date | Board Approved |
1000 | BP | Concepts and Roles | 10/96 | 12/03 |
1020 | BP | Youth Services | 7/08 | 2/09 |
1100 | BP | Communication with the Public | 3/11 | 8/11 |
1112 | BP | Media Relations | 7/19 | 9/19 |
1113 | BP | District and School Web Sites | 10/17 | 01/18 |
1113 | AR | District and School Web Sites | 10/17 | 01/18 |
1113 | E | District and School Web Sites | 10/20 | 12/20 |
1114 | BP | District-Sponsored Social Media | 7/11 | 12/11 |
1114 | AR | District-Sponsored Social Media | 7/11 | 12/11 |
1150 | BP | Commendations and Awards | 7/10 | 10/10 |
1160 | BP | Political Processes | 9/23 | 11/23 |
1220 | BP | Citizen Advisory Committees | 7/07 | 4/08 |
1220 | AR | Citizen Advisory Committees | 12/23 | 2/24 |
1230 | BP | School-Connected Organizations | 5/16 | 9/16 |
1230 | AR | School-Connected Organizations | 5/16 | 9/16 |
1240 | BP | Volunteer Assistance | 12/14 | 3/15 |
1240 | AR | Volunteer Assistance | 12/14 | 4/15 |
1250 | BP | Visitors/Outsiders | 3/12 | 2/15 |
1250 | AR | Visitors/Outsiders | 7/10 | 10/10 |
1260 | BP | Educational Foundation | 7/07 | 4/08 |
1312.1 | BP | Complaints Concerning District Employees | 8/19 | 8/19 |
1312.1 | AR | Complaints Concerning District Employees | 8/19 | 8/19 |
1312.2 | BP | Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials | 3/06 | 4/07 |
1312.2 | AR | Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials | 3/06 | 4/07 |
1312.2 | E | Complaints Concerning Instructional Materials | 3/06 | 4/07 |
1312.3 | BP | Uniform Complaint Procedures | 12/20 | 2/21 |
1312.3 | AR | Uniform Complaint Procedures | 6/21 | 10/21 |
1312.4 | AR | Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures | 6/22 | 9/22 |
1312.4 | E | Williams Uniform Complaint Procedures | 6/22 | 9/22 |
1313 | BP | Civility Policy | 6/21 | 9/21 |
1321 | BP | Solicitation of Funds From and By Students | 7/03 | 12/03 |
1321 | AR | Solicitation of Funds From and By Students | 7/03 | 12/03 |
1325 | BP | Advertising and Promotion | 12/17 | 3/18 |
1330 | BP | Use of School Facilities | 9/23 | 11/23 |
1330 | AR | Use of School Facilities | 9/23 | 11/23 |
1330 | E | Use of School Facilities | 4/13 | 6/13 |
1330.1 | BP | Joint Use Agreements | 2/10 | 7/13 |
1340 | BP | Access to District Records | 5/20 | 8/20 |
1340 | AR | Access to District Records | 5/20 | 8/20 |
1400 | BP | Relations between Other Gov. Agencies and Schools | 7/18 | 9/18 |
1431 | BP | Waivers | 12/23 | 2/24 |
1700 | BP | Relations between Private Industry and the Schools | 3/08 | 6/08 |