Supplemental Educational Services

Supplemental Education Services (SES) Parent Information

What are Supplemental Educational Services (SES)?
Supplemental educational services (SES) are additional academic instruction provided outside of the regular school day and designed to increase the academic achievement of students attending schools in Program Improvement (PI) Years 2 through 5. SES, or free tutoring. Instructional services must be high quality, research based, consistent with the core academic content and instruction used by the local educational agency (LEA), and aligned with the state academic content standards in English-language arts (ELA), science and mathematics. Eligible students are all low-income students who attend Title I PI Years 2 through 5 schools.

For a list of Mesa Union School District’s SES Providers approved by CDE click here

Service Providers (Database)

Who is eligible to receive SES?

Eligible students are those who attend public schools that have been identified as PI schools in Years 2-5 and who are from a low-income family. LEAs have the responsibility of identifying eligible students for SES.  Because funding is limited, priority must be given to children from low-income families who have scored Far Below Basic or Below Basic in their English and/or Mathematics 2012-13 California Standards Test.

What is a state-approved SES provider?

A provider of SES may be any public or private (non-profit or for-profit) entity that meets the State's criteria for approval.

How are providers selected for approval by the CDE?

Organizations submit an application to the CDE to become an SES provider, as defined in the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Act of 2001, Title I, Part A, Section 1116(e). Those who meet the quality requirements specified under the California Code of Regulations, Title 5 for the SES program are recommended to and approved by the State Board of Education (SBE).

How can parents select a provider for their eligible child?

Mesa Union School District  will sponsor an SES Provider Fair in November.  This is an opportunity for parents to learn about each program and what each provider has to offer.  Parents must obtain a Parent Application for services either at the fair or from their school’s principal.  Interested parents must complete and return their completed application to their child’s principal.  Parents will be contacted by the selected provider after all requests have been processed.  Please keep in mind that if all parents of eligible students request services there may not be space for everyone.  Federal guidelines state that priority must be given to the lowest achieving students as determined by the most recent California Standards Test scores and Free and low socio-economic status.

  • 2016 SES Parent Notification Letter
  • 2016 SES Parent Notification Letter(Spanish)
  • 2016 SES Parent Information/Provider Selection Form
  • 2016 SES Parent Information/Provider Selection Form(Spanish)

Mesa Union School District SES Provider Information

2016 SES Request for Application (RFA) Information and Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

  • 2016 SES Provider Participation Application (Posted Sept-2015)

Approved SES Providers

Agencies, contacts, and description of services approved by the California State Board of Education (SBE). The California Department of Education (CDE) has provided an improved way to export SES Provider information from the SES Provider Database. Two links will navigate you to the bottom of the page where you are able to download information for the years selected. Selecting the "Download Provider Detail Profiles in Excel file" will provide an Excel printout of all the profiles for all the approved providers in the years you have selected. Selecting the "Download Provider Contact Information in Excel file" will provide the contact information for all the approved providers in the years you have selected.

SES Accountability Report

SES Accountability Report
Pursuant to California Code of Regulations, Title 5 (5CCR), Section 13075.4, after providing services during a fiscal year, approved providers must submit an annual Accountability Report to the CDE.

SES Per Pupil Amounts (PPA)

2015 SES PPA Letter of Explanation

2015 SES PPA (XLS; Posted Aug-2015)
Update of SES PPA and calculation of 20 percent obligation for SES and Choice and Choice-related transportation costs.
(34 CFR, Sections 200.44-48, October 2008)

SES Complaint Process

To file a complaint involving an SES Provider or a district's implementation of an SES program, please complete the SES Complaint Form (DOC; Posted March-2015).

SES Federal, State, and Outside Resources

Federal Regulations, California Code of Regulations and Guidance

Bifurcation Information

Questions:   Title I Policy and Program Guidance Office |